At Pub 27 in Pompeii
Twelve Beers of Christmas #11: Bøgedal No. 136 Christmas Edition 2008 Dark Ale, Vejle, Denmark
Date: January 4, 2019
The Story— We’re presenting our list of 12 great beers for the season. Some are relatively easy to find, others are from our archives and beer vault. Follow these posts for other beers in the series: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth,
Bøgedal is an artisinal farmhouse brewery near Vejle in central Denmark on the less traveled peninsula – about as far from the water as you can get in this aquatic Viking legacy They poudly maintain that theirs is “is the only commercial brewery in the world that maintains the Old Danish tradition of brewing Godtoel or “the good beer” which predates the industrial age. This traditional beer is strong and very rich with many of the natural sugars still intact. By restricting the reliance on technology and without temperature control Bøgedal tends to allow the beer to live its own life and develop naturally. The brews are never identical, even when the same recipe is followed.”
Since the beers are unique, they receive unique numbers. You can’t find the #136 anymore–the brewery is well past batch 500 now– but you can find a newer Bøgedal that will be just as good.
The Beer— Soft herbal deep roast, spices, anise, bakers’ chocolate, It’s vinous, orange and musty late. Nicely complex, it ranked among our top Christmas beers.
Value — Good. The 75 cl bottles don’t come cheap, but you won’t have to refinance your car either.
Values: “fair” is a good beer at an above market price, “good” is worth the money, “very good” is a bargain, and “excellent” is a steal.
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