At Pub 27 in Pompeii
Surprising Wilmington: Iron Hill Sasquatch American Barley Wine
Date: April 11, 2019
The Story— Yesterday we mentioned that the Wilmington Iron Hill produces bottled specialty beers that are available in many of their 16 locations. This is another beer you may not find now, but it’s representative of the big bottled elixirs you can take home from your visit to Iron Hill.
At 9.6% ABV, it’s a beer that we think might age gracefully, although it would lose some of its good hop character. We tried it only a few days out from the brewery. The style is American Barley Wine. Like many big ales, the US barley wines tend to be stronger in alcohol and much more aggressively hopped than their British cousins.
The Beer— Lots of fruits. Creamy with hints of cashews and a bunch of hops slowly emerge. Nice sipper.
Value — Fair. It’s a good beer, but at a premium price. We paid $15 a number of years ago. We understand that it’s since approached the $20 level.
About these posts: We taste and evaluate over a thousand beers every year. The beers posted here rank in the top quarter of those tastings. Values: “fair” is a good beer at an above market price, “good” is worth the money, “very good” is a bargain, and “excellent” is a steal.
For the next several weeks we’ll feature fun places to explore beer — and much more–a different destination each week. Our beers of the day will feature beers from this wonderfully wet destinations. For the first week of April, we’re featuring some of the gems we’ve found in Virginia Beach breweries. A caveat as always: the vast majorities of craft breweries may have a few beers that are usually available, but their most interesting beers are usual season or one-off brews that we may rave about, but you can’t find. Our specific beer descriptions, can tell you what sorts of beers the brewery does well; if you don’t find the exact beer on tap, you’ll probably find something similar.