Lucky Brews Brando American IPA, Vicenza, Italy at Il Santo Bevitore Venice
Date: December 21, 2018
The Story— We leave this 2018 European segment with another above average beer from Il Santo Bevitore, the best of several very good beer bars in Venice, Italy. You’d expect an American take on ales from a brewery named “Lucky Brews” and you get it.
We visited Vincenza about a decade ago and had to pay a taxi a ton of Lira/Euros to take us to the brewery on the outskirts of town. It was a good brewery with great atmosphere and it would have put Vincenza in our book on its own. Vincenza is a lovely old Italian town with an inviting stroll through the old section, We haven’t visited Lucky Brews, but they’re on our short list.
The Beer— Lucky Brews Brando American IPA. Lots of hops – most of them floral with a touch of berry fruit with a dry chalky finish. Flowers hold on into the aftertaste.
Value — good. another nice buck pint for good, if not world classic, beer. But you get to sit at a window bar and see the boats cruising down the canal as you drink. Come to think of it, it might be worth twice the price.