S’Kloane Brauhaus S’Guate Weizen Salzburg, Austria
Date: November 5, 2018
The Story—S’Kloane Brauhaus claims to be the smallest brewpub in the world and it’s pretty evident they haven’t traveled very far. For starters, Isi-Brau in neighboring Bergheim, is smaller, but you can find numerous nanos on both sides of the Atlantic that make S’Kloane look pretty substantial. It is, however, an intimate, calm and comfortable place to drink. The food is excellent and the menu includes dishes you won’t often find in Austria.
The Beer—S’Kloane Brauhaus S’Guate Weizen is a good standard Hefeweizen. It’s quite chalky and it starts tartly, but sweetness increases as it drinks and it’s a good match for the brewpub’s good food. Classic hefeweizen estery flavors emerge slowly but are there – more clove than anything else, but a bit of bubble gum and ripe banana as well. Ellie thought it was a bit rough, but I though the edge was part of the charm.
Value — Good. Maybe a bit better than good if you’re a fan of Weizen bier.
This week we return to HIGHLIGHTS OF EUROPE– Surprisingly good beer in “bad beer cities.” The best we’ve found in researching our next book – a guide to great beer in European tourist cities. (Planned publication 2019.) We’ll shift back to great American beer finds next week.
Next week we return to the US to highlight some great American craft beers, some of which we’ve found in researching out first US Beer publication: Brews and Snooze-– Breweries you can visit and walk back to a fine place to spend the night. Look for it in 2019.
About these posts: We taste and evaluate over a thousand beers every year. The beers posted here rank in the top quarter of those tastings. Values: “fair” is a good beer at an above market price, “good” is worth the money, “very good” is a bargain, and “excellent” is a steal.