Far From India: India Pale Ales in the 21st Century. Starr Hill Pilot Brewery and Side Stage Brut IPA
Date: March 25, 2019
The Story— We’ve been in Roanoke delighting in over a half dozen breweries and a city that’s revitalizing itself with beer and music and local shoppes. It’s an amazing rail center – we’ve seen more than two dozen freights rolling past in the last two days and the Transportation museum is a local gem.
The town boasts three very local breweries and another three outposts. Deschutes has pulled back and will not brew soon, Three Notch’d has brewing equipment and will brew “soon,” and Starr Hill’s “pilot brewery” is up and running and producing four of the nearly two dozen beers available at the tap house.
We chose this beer because Brut IPAs are something of a rage. We’ve had others that have sort of blundered into the style, but now it seems to be an actual evolving style and the Starr Hill pilot seems to have taken the style seriously. We’re not convinced “brut” deserves to be a style of its own, but we seem to be in the minority. So here is Starr Hill’s version from its pilot brewery in Roanoke.
The Beer— Quite dry, chalky and fruity, it seems to be a beer for those who find the New England too juicy and the IPAs and Double IPAs too much of a muchness. Quite dry, chalky and fruity. More sharp and tart than bitter, but a back bitter builds up as it drinks. It’s fruity without excessive juiciness.
Value — Good. $6.50 for a US pint.
Values: “fair” is a good beer at an above market price, “good” is worth the money, “very good” is a bargain, and “excellent” is a steal.
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