Ten Top Tripels: #9: Hopkins Ordinary Oventop Tripel, Sperryville, Virginia
Date: March 2, 2019
The Story— Hopkins Ordinary is a nearly unique experience for beer drinkers. A brewery in the basement, a breakfast room on the first floor and a bedroom on the second floor in which, if you make arrangements, beer can be delivered to you. It’s a wonderful mom and pop operation that offers an above average B&B experience, a serene and welcoming beer garden, a very good nano brewery, and a small town with good food and another, albeit edgier, brewery just a bit of an ambitious walk away.
When we did the search for top ten tripels I was happily surprised to see Hopkins Ordinary in the mix. The people are so welcoming, the place is so much a labor of love and the night we spent there was a memory we treasure. The lesson here is that with pretty manageable capital expense, but a lot of dedication, you can make very good beer.
We happened upon a genuine French garage brewery a number of years ago– the Brasserie du Cambier which brewed an interesting tripel-like Iris beer. It was a one man operation that no longer brews, but we loved the guy’s devotion to his farmhouse tripel-ish beer. We were reminded a bit of that experience, though when we checked the notes, we found our ratings of Hopkins very much higher. You can have the same farmhouse experience and vibe– and get better beer at Hopkins Ordinary.
The Beer— Some sugars emerge, but there’s lots more going on. Stone fruit, lemon and a hint of pepper are all more or less to style, while just an echo of malt is enough to balance. Very balanced beer even if its reminiscent of a kind of a garage French or Belgian tripel. The name comes from a local mountain with three peaks.
Value — Very good. Hopkins Ordinary charges below-bar prices for very drinkable beers — with some gems like this one sprinkled in
Values: “fair” is a good beer at an above market price, “good” is worth the money, “very good” is a bargain, and “excellent” is a steal.
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