Welcoming sign at Pub 27 in Pompeii
Braven (@ Mercury) Flashy Way NEIPA, Ipswich, Ma.
Date: October 22, 2018
The Story— Eric Feldman with his friend Marshall Thompson started home brewing and stepped up to a brewpub in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn. Eric expanded the business by contract brewing at Saratoga but had a rude awakening call when that brewery closed. He moved quickly and nearly seamlessly to Mercury Brewing in Ipswich, which has brewed for a legion of breweries in the last several years.
Mercury’s beers vary; at their best they are quite acceptable. When the brewers they work with don’t bring much to the table, not much shows up on the table. Eric must have watched this beer like a mother chicken. It’s one of the best that’s ever come out of Mercury’s tanks.
The Beer— Chewy and quite dark with deep fruit and chewy malt. Fruit holds but dank prevails. Herbal. Very slightly nutty but that just adds to the mix, Ellie found it rather dry for a dank beer
Value — Good. You could certainly do worse for your money,
This week we return to the US to highlight some great American craft beers, some of which we’ve found in researching out first US Beer publication: Brews and Snooze-– Breweries you can visit and walk back to a fine place to spend the night. Look for it in 2019.
Next week we stay in the US with a full week of Guinness beers — a few from Dublin, but most from “Guinness Open Gate Brewery” in Halethorp, near Baltimore, Maryland. We’ll talk more about the venue in our main post and highlight seven exceptional beers– most from the Baltimore Brewery, but a couple of can’t miss beers from Ireland you can only get here.
About these posts: We taste and evaluate over a thousand beers every year. The beers posted here rank in the top quarter of those tastings. Values: “fair” is a good beer at an above market price, “good” is worth the money, “very good” is a bargain, and “excellent” is a steal.
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