At Pub 27 in Pompeii
Brewing All Stars #14: Pitt Street Articles of War Double IPA, Greenville, NC
Date: August 2 , 2019 —
The Story— We talked about Greenville, NC in yesterday’s post. The best beer bar in town is Winslow’s Tavern, but the best brewery is Pitt Street. A spacious high-roofed brewery with a big tasting area draws an appreciative local crowd to its dozen or so taps and good range of beers. I thought this “big hammer” double IPA is better than most; Ellie thought it was good, but not special. Sometimes, though, we need to stop and realize we’re in <Greenville, NC> for crying in the pitcher. How wonderful is it to have a brewery this good in almost anyplace you wind up staying these days? In 1992 we would have rated this one of the best hundred breweries in the country — and we’d have been right. It’s still easily one of the top hundred beers in eastern North Carolina and these days that’s actually something of a distinction.
The Beer-Huge fruit aroma and the beer swerves from deep tropical fruit to earth dank and back again. Something of a meld with a fruit-earthiness at the end with a dank overlay. Nice full bitter
Value — Good. Few brewery taps give away beer at bargain prices — the greater margin they make by selling beer at more or less the going rate at the source is why so many of them are doing pretty well. Give thanks, shut up, and pay the money.
Values: “fair” is a good beer at an above market price, “good” is worth the money, “very good” is a bargain, and “excellent” is a steal.
It’s All-Star season. MLB has finished theirs, but it seems like a new sport is showcasing exceptional talent almost every day. So we’ll be presenting our own all-star brewing line up. We don’t claim to present– or even know– what the best beers in America are, but out of the hundred or so that we taste every month, some are indeed special. For the second couple of weeks in July, we’ll share some recent standouts in a very crowded craft beer field. .
We’re often asked to share our tasting notes on over 33,000 beers; this blog is in answer to those requests. Not all our notes, though. The great beer writer Michael Jackson admirably followed the Thumper Rule, and we’ll try to do the same. (“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nuthin’ at all.”) All the beers we post are from the top half of our ratings and most are from the top quarter. Of greater value, we think, are the stories behind the beers, and we try to give you enough about the brewery, the style and the places to find great beer to help you on your own beer journeys. At CulturAle Press we try to write books and publish posts that will help you “Drink Well and Travel Safely.”
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